di Sicilia – The
second Italian “hotspot” opens in Trapani and is a centre for identification
and first assistance to immigrants (the first one is on Lampedusa). This has
been communicated by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi who indicated, “the government
keeps its commitments”. The hotspot of Trapani will be situated in a compound in
the suburb Milo, at the margins of the city, where the Cie* has already been
functioning for some time, hosting the majority of immigrants (about 120 at the
moment) awaiting to be repatriated and who are currently being transferred to
other cities in order to allow the opening of the new type of facility.
The new facility
will be used for identification and for first assistance to migrants arriving
in Trapani. At the beginning, the number of migrants hosted will be around a
hundred. With regard to the legal function that the hotspot has, after a few
days the guests will be transferred to those habitable centres thought for
short or longer periods of staying.
Anyway, the
opening of that service in Milo has been awaited already for some time, as
there have already been several interventions made by the prefect of Trapani,
Leopoldo Falco, the senator Maurizio Santangelo of the political party MoVimento5Stelle as well as by the
labour unions that met a few weeks ago with the representative of the
Chiara Guccione
*Cie – Centro di identificazione ed espulsione: identification and detention centre for immigrants
*Cie – Centro di identificazione ed espulsione: identification and detention centre for immigrants