Freitag, 20. Juni 2014

Newsletter Migrantsicily of May


During the past month, two new tragedies have occured in the Mediterranean. On the May16, a vessel was shipwrecked off the coast of  Garabulli (50 km east of Tripoli) causing the death of 36 migrants, according to a statement issued by the Libyan authorities.

A few days later, on May 12, approximately 70 miles off the coast of  Libya, another shipwreck occured in which 12 women, 3 men and 2 children lost their lives

The 206 survivors were taken to the port of  Catania by the frigate Grecale which has been engaged in Operation Mare Nostrum

together with the remains of the victims, who were finally buried after two weeks at the municipal cemetry

while those whose numbers remain still uncounted lie scattered at the bottom of the sea. Much obscurity also surrounds the cause of the shipwreck and its handling regarding the response and rescue time. What is certain is the failure by Libyan naval vessels to intervene until the last minute in an area covered by Operation Mare Nostrum, which has recently withdrawn north towards Lampedusa


The monitoring of conditions within various  reception centres in Sicily made up of government  run (CPSA-CARA-CIE), emergency reception centres (CAS), informal emergency centres (camps-schools-sports halls-hotels-farmhouses), clearly demonstrates how the emergency is  made legitimate by a “reception system” which is in reality a mishmash of structures whose main function is limited to providing food and shelter to the migrants.
At Palanebiolo in Messina, besides the camp set up on the baseball pitch, the city sports hall has once again been put into use despite being specifically prohibited,

The Pian del Lago CARA at Caltanissetta is terminally overcrowded, suffering from huge structural deficiencies, with services originally stipulated in the contract tender either inadequate or  inexistent  
Reception facilities in the Caltanisetta Province is not only confined to Pian del Lago, in fact, there are an additional two emargency reception centres (CAS)

At Comiso the former Don Pietro company, situated in the middle of the countryside, has become a veritable “branch” of the Pozzallo CPSA
Also at Trapani chaos rules supreme  in the management of the centres, such as the former agritourism farm Sicilia Uno, which serves as both a CAS and a SPRAR,

and in the (dis)organization of the transfer of asylum seekers in the many facilities throughout the whole province
The disorganization is also evident in those in Siracusa. At Augusta hundreds of unaccompanied foreign minors have been accommodated for a long time in a former school. The situation has reached the point that in an attempt to find a solution the local Siracusa authorities have moved 250 minors to a villa in Caltagirone without giving any prior notification to Catania and Caltagirone governing bodies
The issue of reception of non-accompanied foreign minors is far from anything new. The chronic shortage of available places within designated facilities in Sicily together with the slow and inefficient  transfer process creates  situations that are totally unacceptable, as in the case of the the unaccompanied foreign minors who were held for months at the Pozzallo CPSA
That being said,  there are, however, a few rare examples of efficiency, not surprisingly the SPRAR facilities such as “I girasoli” the community for minors at Mazzarino



Regarding the group of young Nigerians whose cases were rejected by Ragusa authorities last February
they are again caught up in a dramatic situation
adding to the story of 36 Nigerian citizens expelled by Agrigento authorities and transferred to the CIE, thus impedeing their access to international protection



The heavy atmosphere hanging over the “immigration question” within the country, further aggravated by European election campaigns, has provided fertile ground for the propogation of unjustified health alarms
and fascist intimidation such as the vile “attacchinaggio” a Siracusa firmato Forza Nuova


Raise more than 34.000 euro in 15 days. Aim: inclusion in the Venice Festival and projection in the autumn. The greatest crowdfunding campaign in the history of Italian documentary film for what has been hailed as the most anticipated  documantary film of the year.
A documentary film that is also a political action, a  story that is real but also fantastic. "Io sto con la sposa" is all of these things put together.